Falling Into Place
Sometimes there’s all this mystery on blogs about special, in-the-works projects: “I have something really awesome going on, but I can’t tell you about it. Sorry!” That’s not irritating at all, is it? I didn’t think so.
Fortunately, I won’t keep you in suspense. I got a job.
Sorry, that wasn’t quite right. I got a job!!!
I won’t go into great detail, obviously, but it’s in a suburb of Boston, overseeing the libraries at two elementary schools in a lovely little district. The schools are gorgeous, and I’ve been very impressed with the principal, the current librarian, and the teachers I’ve been introduced to.
I am absolutely thrilled, and I can hardly wait until August to start.
I am so deeply relieved about how this has fallen into place. It means we know what general area of Boston to live in (if I hadn’t had a job, we could have moved to a suburb on one side of Boston and I could have gotten a job 15 miles outside of Boston in the other direction, and then I’d be dealing with a really long commute). It means I can spend my summer working on lesson plans and programming for the year, instead of applying for jobs, interviewing, and writing cover letter after cover letter.
But mostly, I can’t stop thinking that, come Fall, Bart and I will be living in our dream city, both with our dream jobs. Life is sometimes just too good to take in.
HOORAY!!! that is so exciting, congratulations to you! I'd love to hear more about it! when will you be moving?
CONGRATS! Isn't it wonderful when things workout? You both graduated, plan to move to a fun city, and have new jobs!
So awesome! I can't wait to hear all about it! And most of all, I can't wait to hang out!
Oooh, maybe we can plan curriculum together. And did you know there's an Eric Carle Museum in MA?!
That's great! Congrats!
Personally, I think Boston is pretty cool city.
Good luck!
Wow! Hooray! Congrats! That sounds like the perfect job for you.
Well, YAY! and congratulations!
I have some info and a few connections for you~ you couldn't have picked a better city.
I am SO SO excited for you. You deserve to have all things fall into place for you. I can't wait to come visit you in Boston and thrill in your new, happy life.
So excited for you! That's fantastic (although I'm horribly jealous that you're back East and I'm still stuck in Utah until J's done with school…)
I am so happy for you Janssen.
Hey — one of my blogging friends sent me your blog and suggested I get in touch with you about moving to Boston. I read about your library job and it sounded familiar (I'm our ward housing specialist and my bishop emailed me about you moving here). It's a small world after all!!
Congrats! Congrats!! And what a great place to live!
Congrats, Janssen! It's so nice to have things settled. Good luck with your move!
Hooray! That is such a huge relief, planning-wise. You are ready to go, lady!
Yay! Congrats! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to read about all the details as you figure them out!
YAY! That is awesome!
That's great, Janssen. I'm really happy for you!! And as a former Boston suburbanite, I think that you're going to do well there.
I'm so glad to hear it! Congratulations!
That is so wonderful! Congratulations!!
I've already told you this–but YAAAAAAAAAY!
Also–I have major librarian-envy, you and NPW are going to have a blast together!
Yippee! You're living the dream! Are you sure you can't stop in Columbus to visit us on your way out? I'm thrilled at your employment success and so soon!
Congrats! How absolutely exciting for you guys. Good luck selling your house and getting moved (I hate packing!)
Congratulations! Welcome to the professional library world!
That's awesome, so when are you moving? Congrats
Congratulations! I had a little excitement rush for you so I can't imagine how excited you are. That job sounds like a dream. I loved my elementary school librarian and for a while I wanted to be just like her. How exciting.
Yea! We are really happy for you!
Congratulations!!! Happy for you guys!
Yay!!!!!! I'm so excited for you that I'm breaking my one exclamation point rule. Congratulations!
Sounds EXCITING!!! You will LOVE Boston (cept the fact that you don't like cold) 🙂
Really though, we LOVE it here…I'll email more info. And let me know if you have questions…I have lots of people i could connect you with.
I promised it would all fall into place, didn't I? 🙂 Yay for you guys!
Way to go Janssen! Have a wonderful summer doing just what you want. What a blessing.
YEA!!!!! Congratulations- that is WAY exciting- I LOVE when life just works out that way- and there's nothing like living your life in limbo- ahhh annoying- so I'm excited you can plan accordingly (where to live, lesson plans ect.) woohoo!
CONGRATS! I'm so stinking excited for you (and also insanely jealous. Why am I not qualified for such an awesome job??) Yay for you!
That is very exciting news. Congratulations!
How absolutely wonderful for you, Janssen! It's nice to hear such good news.
Hooray and welcome to Boston!
Congrats Janssen!! How exciting for the both of you! Look forward to hearing updates.
Congratulations on joining what sounds like a wonderful district. I'm all about the best people for the best jobs–esp. when it comes to libraries and, in particular, school media centers (yeah, they're not just books nowadays–they're so much more!). Good luck with everything, use your librarians and teachers as much as you can (we generally know what we're talking about), and keep blogging! 🙂
Congratulations! That is awesome!!!!! It's amazing how things just work out, huh?
Wow–this couldn't happen to two better people. I am SO happy for you! You will be wonderful.
A vist will definitely be in order. I am sure it will be a bit rough to coordinate, considering we'll both be working for schools, but we must make it work! I looked at London pictures the other day and cried. That as a random sentence, but I wanted to let you know, nonetheless!
Congrats!!! That job sounds perfect for you!!
Oh my goodness, that is fabulous news! Congratulations, Janssen!
congratulations!!! Lesson planning over the summer is so much fun. I haven't started yet but plan to after the fourth of July.
CONGRATULATIONS! What super news! (I think you could fall in a mud puddle and not get dirty or wet. LOL)
Yay! I am so happy for you!
I'm really happy for you! I have a customer that is in Beverly, MA (north of Boston a bit)….SO BEAUTIFUL…..when are you officially moving?…
WOOT! that's excellent news – congratulations. and i'm totally jealous that you'll get to see npw all the time.
This is such wonderful news, I'm thrilled for you.
A job a job a job!!!! This is great news. I love when things happen exactly like they are supposed to happen.
Congrats!!! Wonderful news!
Congrats. I'm excited for you. Finding a job in a library AND in a school isn't easy these days. Have fun.
I am so behind in blog reading, so please excuse the lateness of my OMG CONGRATULATIONS! What great news! I am so happy for you!