Behind the Scenes

Behind every photo of a healthy meal, cute outfit, or interesting new book on this blog, there is less-edited real life.

And last night, it looked like me changing a diaper in the middle of the living room floor, with dinner half-way made, groceries sitting on the kitchen floor, and Ella running around me in circles shrieking, “I LOVE POOPY-NESS! AREN’T YOU SO HAPPY THAT SHE IS POOPY?”

Yes, yes, I am.

(Probably should have saved this excellent motherhood-type post for Disney Baby, since I’m certain this is the kind of heartwarming moment they wish to feature on their site, no?).

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  1. Your description of Ella gave me a good chuckle. Both her and Christopher's antics this past week, have brought back many memories of similar moments over the years, and an appreciation of the many humorous things (at least in retrospect) that occur daily and keep life interesting. Thanks for sharing a bit of real life.

  2. I love it! The things two-year-olds say. And I'm sure her excitement was genuine, too, which makes it even better.

  3. I get regular updates and running commentary on what is going on in the bathroom with my boys. When they finish, I'm expected to high-five them and be SUPER EXCITED that they went poop. Yaaaay.

  4. I've just decided to embrace poop and think that it is so FUNNY and FASCINATING! Because we are obviously not getting over it, any time soon.

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