What I’m Going to Read: Round 10

And, just to prove that lightning can strike twice, Smalldog, who put in the winning bid in January with Dealing with Dragons, won again, this time with The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley. If you’re planning on buying a lottery ticket soon, you might consider calling her up and asking for her advice, as she seems to have a magic touch.

Also, Angie at Angieville is starting up “Tell Me What To Read” on her blog, so if you didn’t win this time, why don’t you see if you have better luck with her? (TMWTR is sweeping the. . .three blogs!!!).

Other suggestions:

Of these, the only ones I’ve read are:

  • Conspiracy 365 February by Gabrielle Lord
  • Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
  • The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Time to get cracking, clearly!

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  1. Okay – now I want to read "Sweetness." Sounds fascinating. And I'm a sucker for Harriet the Spy/Encyclopedia Brown types.

    A belated suggestion – Have you read "Little Bee" by Chris Cleave? I am just finishing it and it's fantastic. Really vivid imagery, lovely language, and a heartbreaking story.

  2. Sorry, I thought "One Thousand White Women" was quite possibly the worst book ever written. Everything was so contrived to push every emotional button at a rate that seemed to make the author disingenuous in his reason for writing. Not to mention the huge anachronisms…

  3. I've heard interesting things about the book you're about to read, so I'm looking forward to that review.

  4. So fun. I saw that Sami is doing it, too, over at Twisted Quill. You've started a trend. 🙂

    Looking forward to hearing what you think of this one. I haven't read it yet either.

  5. I'm so glad you've read The Jungle! Did you like it? Did you love it? (If either of those is true, I think you would really enjoy "East of Eden", they have a very similar scope and voice.)


  6. Ok you must, must, must read Persuasion. It's such a great book and not near as cumbersome as some of the other Austen books (though I still love them). I'm throwing it in the next time several times just so you have to pick it!!

  7. Very shorts, simple and easy to understand, bet some more comments from your side would be great

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