A Bath Time (Non) Routine
This post is sponsored by P&G and Ivory Soap, a brand that’s been along since before my grandparents were born!
I’ve mentioned before that we do not have a good bath time routine in our family.
I am in awe of families that bathe their children ever night.
There are some daily routines that I’m pretty darn good at.
Making the bed every day? Yes.
Nightly family dinner? Check.
Getting the mail each afternoon? Definitely yes.
Bath time? I am flummoxed by how to fit it in every day.
Since I know it’s not going to happen every day at our house, what I’ve tried to do instead is make it as easy as possible to have baths on the fly whenever the opportunity arises, whether that’s Sunday morning or Thursday evening or Tuesday afternoon.
The girls almost always take a bath or a shower in our master bathroom since it has a bigger tub and a separate shower.
We keep all the bath toys in there, plus a stack of washcloths (mostly because the girls ALWAYS get water in their eyes and are convinced that they must wipe off their eyes) and shampoo and soap.
When the girls need a bath, the last thing I want to be doing is running around trying to gather up everything before I can toss them in the water.
Also, I’ve discovered that I only need ONE child to be on board with bathing because as soon as one child is splashing around happily in the bathtub or taking a warm shower, the other girls, even if they were initially resistant, are suddenly completely on board.
I also recently started using Ivory Clean Body Wash for the girls and it’s basically amazing. Bart uses the Ivory Bar soap, which they’ve been making for more than 130 years, and like the bar soap, the Ivory Clean Body wash is free from dyes and heavy perfumes.
I love that I can use the same product for everyone in the family, whether it’s my baby in the tub, my seven-year-old in the shower, or for myself, since it cuts down on the number of bottles in my bathroom, and I love that it’s gentle and pure enough for all of us.
Ivory has been making bars of soap for 138 years and their goal has always been to simply life so families can spend more time on the things that matter most. Which basically is my life motto, right there.
Like most good things, once my girls are out of the bath, I never think, “I wish I hadn’t done that!”
I’m always so glad to put them to bed with clean little feet and fresh-smelling hair and it’s even more enjoyable to read aloud to them when they’re fresh from a bath.
Writing this post also made me realize I could simply my life even more by moving the girls’ bath towels up to our bathroom so they don’t always end up using our towels.
Now I just need to figure out where to hang four extra towels in our bathroom.
Bathtime is just part of our bedtime routine. My oldest also was having lots of constipation issues and I had to start a bowel routine with her and it totally fixed it. We do dinner, then oldest sits on the potty and usually has a bowel movement, while she’s in the potty the youngest is in the shower. Then we swap. They hardly ever get baths and baths aren’t good for girls due to the increased risk of uti’s. We also brush their teeth while they’re in the shower. It takes about 7 minutes per kid from start to finish. My oldest (5) has now started to shower herself supervised and I see the light!!!