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  1. Awww. Just don't forget to take it off your keychain the next time you travel. It's too cute to go in the "overcautious" box in security.

  2. I used to have one of those! Then the TSA took it away (because I brought my car keys with me on vacation- crazy, I know) and this was before they let you mail it back to yourself. No, mine went in the dumpster. Ok, sorry that got… Lengthy and rant-y.

  3. So cute. I loved, loved, loved my pocket knife on my keychain until I accidentally took it to the airport with me on a trip. Oops. They took it! Meanies. Don't make the same mistake I did.

  4. you know the little tweezers that slide out of the end? I've had the same pair from my blue Swiss army knife I got when I was 12. in my make-up bag at this moment- best eyebrow tweezers I've ever had… seriously none compare. and that was probably more than you ever wanted to know about me.

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