
I know you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time than look at my school project, so I’m kindly providing the link if you want to check it out.

And I know it’s no big thrills, but I’m ridiculously proud of it.

Texas Bluebonnet Award Bookshelf

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  1. It’s great! Thanks for sharing. I’ll definitely use it in the next year or two for Jacob. He’ll probably already like just browsing through the list. It’s like a little library website…just a lot less overwhelming.

  2. Wait…you have a dinosaur as the picture for non-fiction…which would imply that they are real…so I’m confused. Just kidding. Nice work. You have much to be proud of.

  3. Nice job. I’ve been working on a website as well, so I know how much work they can be. I’ll have to use this as a resource for finding pleasure reads.

  4. Wow Janssen, I’m actually going to continually use this website!!! What a great resource for me! You’ve done an outstanding job.

    Man, I’ve said this before, but this master’s program and career line is PERFECT for you!!!

  5. I love it. And I love having a good place to go to find good books. I’ve read a few, but not many. I’ll have to try some out on George and Andrew. The three of you did a great job.

  6. I forwarded your new website on to many of my reading friends who have children — you should be getting a nice flow of traffic soon. This really is a beautiful website and so many good choices. Excellent!

  7. Very nicely done! I’m currently reading the fourth Gregor book. I think the series is stunningly good.

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