
I Am Now THAT Parent

Apologies for all those times I didn’t quite believe other parents when they said how they instantly just loved their babies and how it was the best thing in the whole world.

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  1. Hey Janssen? You know how most newborns are kinda ugly but you tell the parents they're cute anyway just to be nice? (Are you paranoid now?)LOL!
    Honestly, she is so beautiful. She doesn't even look like a wrinkly red newborn. She's already got sweet little puffy cheeks. You two make cute babies. (Or maybe you just got really lucky this time. It's only the first, can't be for sure you know.) 😉

  2. She is just beautiful! So many congratulations to you and your families!

    This was a good weekend for baby girls…a high school friend had one this morning!

  3. New born babies (excluding the ones in my family) are seldom ever THAT cute! Holy cow! Congratulations!

  4. Yep. Thought I wouldn't be one of those either and got sucked in the second I met each of our little boys. I also wouldn't let anyone else hold Aiden which was a total surprise to me!

    Enjoy it! When they're old enough to talk back, you'll miss this stage! 😛

  5. So glad you fully GET IT now. 🙂 I'm seriously in love with her and those cheeks! I just want to snuggle her more. And we all know how much soph loves her (and you)!!
    Umm… Bart's pics are awesome! I don't even want to think about what the "professional's" probably looked like.

  6. It's amazing how girly she looks, even though you don't have pink on her or a bow in her hair! She just has such pretty, girlish features! I hope that this also means you will be posting more pictures of your darling daughter!!

  7. I laughed at your title. I'm certainly glad you are one of "those" parents. It would be terrible if you weren't.

    Absolutely beautiful baby.

  8. She is seriously a good-looking newborn. I really can't say it enough. I hope all is going well with the adjusting and such. I am eager to chat with you about what kind of baby she is and how everything went. But I know you are busy, so by no means feel any obligation toward satisfying my curiosity. I just wanted to let you know that I am interested (as always). 🙂

  9. It is just unbelievable how gorgeous she is. I can't get over it. I mean, all babies are cute but yours is truly exceptionally beautiful.

  10. Janssen…she is so beautiful. I just want to hold her 🙂 Isn't amazing how fast you have this tremendous love for them? I can't even remember what life was like before Evelynn came. Congrats again.

  11. She is absolutely beautiful. And for the record, I won't lie about how cute a baby is. My niece for example, I said "Look at that girl!" or "it's a baby." because she. was. not. cute.

    Yours on the other hand is positively beautiful. I'm so glad that the two of you are healthy. I'm beaming, I am so happy for you!


  12. Congratulations!! She's beautiful. Did you have a professional photographer with you? The pictures are gorgeous. And good luck with your move!

  13. Those rosy little cheeks are just darling. I have a feeling I'm going to get myself a little dark-haired lady too… and I hope she's as beautiful as yours!

  14. Oh she is stunning. I don't tell people that their children are cute if they aren't, but yours is freaking beautiful. Is Bethany taking these or are you just this really amazing closet photographer?

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