
The last time I got a new pair of glasses was when I was fourteen. I’m now twenty-three. So yeah, it’s been a while.

They’ve had replacement lenses, of course, from time to time, as my mother is not a negligent woman, but I haven’t been wild about the frames now for at least five years (Bart, on the other hand, absolutely loves them). I haven’t worn them consistently in ages . . . I’m a contact lenses kind of girl.

Two years ago, I went and got my eyes checked, but I spent all my insurance funds on new contacts. So no new glasses. And who cared? I never wore them anyway.

But now, my eyes are really having trouble with all the computer work I do between work and school and TAing. And so I’ve started wearing my glasses again, and I’ve realized how deeply I hate wearing them – I feel frumpy and ugly and as soon as I leave work, I put my glasses away and put in my contacts.

And now that I have vision insurance again, I’m getting a new pair of glasses. I have an appointment tomorrow morning and hopefully within a week or so, I’ll have a brand spanking new pair of glasses. And hopefully, I’ll love them.

Best case scenario, I’ll WANT to wear them and be able to only wear my contacts about half of the time. Oh, that would be ideal.

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  1. I love my glasses. They make me look/feel smarter! And more people take me seriously when I wear them- bonus! Start rocking the glasses!

  2. I’m afraid to go back to my eye dr. because I think that I’m in the midst of the “you’re 41 and your perfect vision is a thing of the past” and I’m not ready to admit defeat yet. I’m not doing the full on moving things back and forth to try and read them but I do notice that small print is not my friend anymore. I’m so sad about it. New glasses are a good thing – I’m excited to see what frames you choose!

  3. Oh my God, you’re only 23?!!

    Okay, I’ll still be your fan. I was 23 when I had my first baby and I oh-so-hated the “you’re only” comments.

    I’m sure you look lovely in your glasses and not a day over 20.


  4. Ah, glasses. I thought I would die when the ophthamologist told me I couldn’t wear contacts anymore. I wore my contacts for so many hours a day that I almost permanently damaged my eyes.

    I still don’t like not having the super clear distance vision, and bifocals are annoying. But, I’d rather be annoyed than not be able to see.

    The moral of this: give your eyes a break from contacts.

    Also, just think how glamorous, sophisticated, cool, intelligent, and/or nerdy (just kidding on the nerdy – smile) glasses can make you look.

  5. since you were 14? geez, janssen! that’s pretty funny. and i thought it was bad since i was 18 when i got mine.

  6. I have always had glasses, never did the contacts thing because my eyes hate anything against them. Plus, they make me look older and smarter.

    I will say, if you have the insurance to cover them, get the most expensive frames you can buy. I used to buy cheap-ass frames, but this year my insurance will cover anything, so I bought top-line titanium-alloy frames, and boy am I glad I did. They kick ass and nothing destroys them (and I have a baby son that loves to grab them). Highly recommended if you have the dosh.

    I think we need pictures of Janssen with and w/o glasses to be the judge! 🙂

  7. There are so many cute styles now! Good luck picking them out. I recommend bringing someone for a second opinion- last time I was totally overwhelmed and had to leave to get Chris!

  8. Interesting…I think Blogger ate my comment!
    I’ve been trying to wear my glasses more often because I swear that my contacts are giving me wrinkles from all of the eye rubbing I do. Plus, my glasses are pretty darn cute 🙂

  9. That made me laugh. I too have had the same glasses since I was 14. The little plastic nose rest thing came off last year and I still refuse to get new ones. I LOVE my contacts and don’t have vision insurance.
    You have to post a pic of the new vs. old glasses. Heck I half expected you to let us pick your new frames for you!

  10. Hey – we’re having eye appointments on the same day and I plan to get new glasses too (bet my old ones are older than yours!)

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