The End is Near

Oh, I love a Friday morning. Especially at the end of a delightful week.

The Texas Library Association conference was this week and in Austin, which was very convenient for me. And Ralphie was lovely enough to watch Ella for a couple of hours while I went downtown and found a parking spot right across from the main doors for $2.

I got to tell Gary Schmidt in person how much I loved Okay for Now and visit with Kay and check out all the fantastic new books that are coming out in the next few months. What a fun morning.

I also made this fun little Easter garland with Ralphie, while my baby tried to steal her baby’s pacifier. It’s hanging above my dining room table which is pretty much the most impossible spot in the house to get good lighting. So, you know, use your imagination.

And I found these little Easter bunnies nestled away in our Christmas stockings (I’d put them there for safe keeping when we moved and then promptly forgotten where they’d gone, although I was fairly certain I hadn’t chucked them).

And because he loves me, Bart spent a good chunk of one of the evenings this week hanging these pictures above the couch. I am especially in love with the one of Ella. Don’t mess with those chubby cheeks. Bethany took the one second from the right of Boston Public Garden.

Also, my new pair of glasses came yesterday (I got them for free when Coastal Contacts was doing one of those 10,000 free glasses giveaways, so I only had to pay about $17 for shipping).

(That picture was taken with the webcam, so you know, excuse the horrendous quality and all)

And, as usual, the best part of my day is Ella, who never fails to make me laugh with her funny little face.

Happy Friday to you too.

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  1. Love love love love. All the photos are great – and I especially like the pictures you have above your couch. Gorgeous!

    Your glasses are super cute – very pretty! And for some reason, having that photo right about Ella's picture makes it very clear that you two share the same enormous and beautiful eyes.

    Happy weekend!

  2. I always forget about those little easter bunny candle holders..must dig mine out!

    Also, your garland turned out GREAT, your glasses are FAB, the pictures over your couch look AWESOME, and Ella is BEAUTIFUL.

    I cannot wait to see you in just a few weeks (and stay an entire week!)

  3. YAY I love the pictures! And your glasses! And that baby! And just everything else in your life! Yes, that is indeed one amazing week.

  4. How did you cut out the eggs for the garland?

    My baby is a thief as well, constantly stealing her cousins paci and bottle when he is here. Now that she is mobile she's really quick about it.

  5. K, I love the "cheeks" picture and I think you look really good in your glasses. And I can't believe you met Gary Schmidt. I'm so jealous.

  6. YAY happy Friday!!! It has been a great day so far, and it seems like you have had a wonderful day and week. Love those glasses!!!

  7. You've just reminded me that my mother-in-law gave me some cute little Easter candles last year. I put them somewhere for "SAFE KEEPING." I'm sure I'll find them the day after Easter.

  8. Love the glasses-you look very elegant and smart. The photo of Ella is proof you are very related.

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