The End. Finally.

Not only did my mother-in-law comment saying “get thee to the doctor,” but my mom wrote me to second that opinion. So, I got myself to the doctor today. And now I have some antibiotics. Hooray!

That hooray is not because I have antibiotics but because I can finally stop talking about the sickness. I may be more bored of it than you are.

Also, there is a hooray because CVS gave me a $25 gift card when I picked up my prescription. I love free money.

And for some reason, hair dye is on sale there for $2.99, which is excellent news for me, since I intend to have Sherry dye my hair for me over Christmas break. Look for pictures in a few weeks.

(I’m planning to go medium brown).

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  1. Kay, so antibiotics for what? B and I are battling the strangling cough and it’s not getting better over here too.
    And might I add, nasty, nasty cough.

  2. I LOVE dying my hair! Too bad people judge you if you do it while pregnant because it’s one of those iffy things that might cause the baby to come out with an extra arm.

    I’m excited for pictures!

  3. Yikes! That will be quite the change. I think your starting to take after our side of the family. We love to change our hair! It’s fun for a little change.

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