Looking for a copy of The Self-Driven Child
I’m really excited about reading The Self-Driven Child by William Stixrud and Ned Johnson together next month for the Everyday Reading Book Club.
Here are some places you can get your hands on a copy!
Here’s why to find a copy of The SElf-Driven Child
Sign up for a free month of Libro.fm and use your credit to get the audio copy.
Sign up for a free month of Audible and use your credit to get the audio copy.
The Kindle version is currently $9.99 with a $2.50 credit to use toward another Kindle book (and you can read a Kindle book on any device – just download the free Kindle app)
Grab a used copy at Abe Books for under $10!
And, of course, check if your library has digital versions of it through Overdrive or Libby!